August 17, 2009 | Janet | Comments 0

Burning Bridges With EFT

Making a powerful commitment includes burning bridges – eliminating the paths of retreat. Yikes! Maybe that sounds a little drastic to you.

But think about it: There’s a bridge behind you that leads back to where you came from. Maybe there’s a part of you saying , “Well, if this doesn’t work out, I can always do what I did before…” If that’s the case, then how truly committed are you to doing something new and different? And what are the chances of succeeding with one foot out the door?

It’s not clear which comes first – total commitment or bridge-burning. I don’t think that matters. But one thing is for sure: they are hooked together.

If complete commitment comes first — to your new project, new business or new partnership — you’re in! You’re not looking back because that doesn’t even enter into the picture. That bridge isn’t even on the horizon. Your energy is totally invested in the future of your new venture.

If bridge-burning comes first, you’ve mentally and emotionally left yourself only one option. And that’s moving forward. There IS no going back, so you are absolutely invested in and committed to your new path. All your energy goes there.

EFT Can Help

Here are a few ways you can use EFT to help yourself feel really good about your commitment.

1. First, quickly tap away any self-blame or impatience with yourself about this. This is very important. Anger or frustration at yourself can serve as an anchor for other emotions that aren’t serving you. So get rid of that blame first thing. It will make your other tapping go more quickly and be more beneficial.

2. Then, if you’re feeling anxious, list your fears and limiting beliefs and use Clearing Clusters technique to tap away that whole list.

3. Next, acknowledge all that got you to this point, thank it and let it go, tapping in affirmations:

  • I’m grateful for all the paths that led me here.
  • I honor my past victories AND mistakes. They’ve all contributed to this moment.
  • I’m thankful for my old ways and all that they taught me.
  • Now I’m willing to leave them in the past.

4. And finally, tap to affirm your excitement and commitment to what’s new:

  • I’m looking forward to the new possibilities opening up.
  • I trust my inner resources and the abundance of resources around me.
  • I’m totally committed to this new _______. I’m in with both feet!
  • The universe is conspiring in my favor and I can feel it.
  • Amazing things are about to happen that support my commitment.
  • I’m overflowing with new ideas and ready to follow through on them now.
  • I’m so excited about my new venture. I’m behind myself 100%!

Keep us posted on how this works for you, and good luck on your new venture!

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